The first OM Adventure Scholarship of 2016 was a huge success! Several of OM's staff and board members were able to participate with the scholarship winner during the adventure. It was a day full of laughter and discovery.
About the winner: Just over a year ago, Hans Updegraff was an avid outdoor enthusiast, always staying active and getting outside. Then, in December of 2014, he was involved in an accident and experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
"My TBI affected my life initially by requiring me to relearn how to walk, swallow when eating, run, and many other activities. My TBI also erased my ability do simple activities that require higher brain functions and processing information - these directly effect my readiness to drive a car which hasn’t happened yet." - Hans
The road to recovery has not been an easy one, but he says that he is constantly inspired to keep progressing because of the support of his mother, brother, girlfriend, and the therapists at Craig Hospital.
Hans' favorite quote: |